Two Williams from the 80’s

John Williams is, and will always be, my number one composer. He was the reason I discovered film music in the first place. I remember growing up listening to Jaws, Star Wars, E.T., The Towering Inferno, Indiana Jones… Trying to record Williams music in the early 80’s from the TV with an old tape recorder…

If I would make a list of favorite music by John Williams, the list would be too long for anyone to read without falling to sleep. So, I rather present two lesser-known Williams-cues from the 80’s that I enjoy very much. If you are a film music enthusiast you’ve probably heard of these two before (and I know you have a smile on your face), if not, you have some gems to discover!

In Orbit” from Space Camp

Space Camp must be the 80’s peak. Everything about the film oozes the 80’s, Williams score no exception. The film is now laughable in many parts but Williams’ score is so well crafted, filled with beautiful themes and orchestral passages as well as some 80’s pop-electronic influences in parts. Classic Williams!

Crimebuster” from Heartbeeps

Another 80’s gem. While Space Camp is mostly classic orchestral Williams this is something completely different. Filled with pop-electronic rhythms it is pure fun music. While listening casually, you can’t believe this is penned by the same man who scored Star Wars, Jaws and Schindler’s List. But listening more carefully you can discover this is a typical well-crafted Williams melody and then there is some high quality details to be found. As a collector, this music has very much nostalgia. For a long time this was the “Holy grail” for Williams-collectors, extremely difficult to get your hands on. When listening to it for the first time, it was like opening a treasure chest. And what about the film? One of the absolutely most horrible films I have ever seen. About two robots falling in love. It’s impossible to explain how bad it is.

Thanks for listening.

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